Author: Mahajan

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  • 5 Quick Fixes For Windows 11 Yellow Tint Issue

    5 Quick Fixes For Windows 11 Yellow Tint Issue

    Introduction Got a Windows 11 laptop that looks like it’s been dipped in mustard?Yeah, that yellow tint is driving you nuts.You’re not alone—many users are battling this annoying color issue.But before you start tossing your laptop out the window, let’s hit pause.There are quick fixes that can turn that sour screen back to vibrant colors.From…

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  • Windows 11 Lagging and Slow System [12 Fixes]

    Windows 11 Lagging and Slow System [12 Fixes]

    Introduction Are you tired of your Windows 11 PC dragging its feet like a sloth on a lazy day? You’re not alone! Lagging and slow performance can turn even the simplest tasks into frustrating marathons. But fear not—there’s hope! In this article, we’ll dive into the top fixes to turbocharge your system and reclaim that…

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  • How To Uninstall Widgets Windows 11?

    How To Uninstall Widgets Windows 11?

    Widgets driving you crazy on Windows 11? I hear you. They’re like those annoying pop-up ads from the early 2000s – always there when you don’t want them. But guess what? You don’t have to live with them. Nope, not for a second longer. I’m about to show you how to kick those widgets to…

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  • How To Add Widgets In Windows 11

    How To Add Widgets In Windows 11?

    Introduction Tired of a boring Windows 11 desktop? Want to customize it but don’t know where to start? Listen, widgets are your new best friend. Think of them as mini-apps right on your screen – news, weather, to-do lists, you name it. This ain’t rocket science, folks. It’s easier than ordering a pizza, I swear.…

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  • How To Fix PC Ran Into a Problem Error? Quick Guide

    Introduction Encountering the “PC Ran Into a Problem” error can feel like hitting a speed bump on the digital highway. This notorious glitch not only disrupts your workflow but can also signal deeper issues lurking in your system’s engine room. Addressing this error promptly isn’t just about smoothing out your current ride; it’s about preventing…

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  • 8 Quick Fixes To Solve Laptop Battery Draining Fast Issue

    Introduction Have you ever observed your laptop’s battery life behaving much like an unstable isotope, with a half-life so brief that it leaves you searching for a power source in record time? It can be exceedingly frustrating when you’re deeply engaged in critical work, only to have your screen’s brightness decrease at an alarming rate,…

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  • How To Fix the Issue: No Sound From Headphones On PC

    Introduction Have you experienced this, you’re all set for a relaxing evening, your favorite playlist is lined up, and headphones are connected but wait there is no sound. It’s not a good kind of quiet. It’s the kind where something is wrong because your headphones won’t play any sound. But Don’t worry, I’ve been there…

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  • How to Fix the Buzzing Sound from Laptop Speaker

    How to Fix the Buzzing Sound from Laptop Speaker?

    Introduction Your computer starts humming a silly song, almost like a little grasshopper is putting on a show inside! This quirky issue might make simple tasks like watching a video or participating in an online class more challenging than usual. However, the humorous aspect is that you don’t have to be a tech expert to…

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  • How to Fix Monitor Flickering On and Off Problem

    How to Fix Monitor Flickering On and Off Problem?

    Introduction  You’re ready to dive into a day filled with productivity or unwind with an evening of gaming, only to have your concentration shattered by a monitor that stubbornly flickers on and off. Believe me, this tale isn’t spun from the threads of imagination—it was a chapter straight out of my own life not too…

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  • How To Fix Computer Overheating and Shut Down Problem?

    How To Fix Computer Overheating and Shutdown Problems?

    Introduction Has your computer overheating issue turned your streamlined tech usage into a series of frustrating shutdowns? Believe me, I’ve been in the hot seat too, with the sudden shutdown of my laptop during crucial moments it’s a bummer. But, don’t worry! I’ve ventured into the depths of overheating solutions and emerged with strategies that…

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